

ISF NET’s 3rd Foreign Employees Social

December 12, 2024

ISF NET's 3rd Foreign Employees Social

Hello! Ron here with my first post on the blog. I’m looking forward to using this space to share more about ISF NET with everyone!

Following a successful event in September, ISF NET recently held its 3rd foreign employee social online. I’m a foreign employee myself, so I joined the event both as PR and an attendee.

Read on to learn more!

ISF NET's 3rd Foreign Employees Social

The event took place on a Friday night after work, but everyone had big smiles on their faces. TGIF! Things started off with self-introductions. This time there were participants from Myanmar, South Korea, India, Australia, Canada, and Japan – six countries.

Afterwards, we split into breakout rooms to get to know each other better. People talked about their favorite tourist spots both in Japan and back home. As the night went on, people also revealed what Japanese TV dramas they used to be into before coming to Japan. There were some surprising choices which the Japanese staff and everyone had a good laugh about.

1. Feedback from Attendees

We got some great response after the event:
“I was able to talk to people from other countries that I usually don’t get to interact with.”
“Everyone in the breakout rooms were very friendly. The discussions were lively and we were all laughing.”

2. Support for Foreign Employees at ISF NET

Some employees at the event only recently moved to Japan, so they mentioned being eager to improve their Japanese language skills.

Support for Foreign Employees at ISF NET

Here at ISF NET, Japanese language training classes are provided on a regular basis for foreign employees. These classes are very practically-oriented for those working at Japanese companies and in IT.

Activities include role-playing sessions with Japanese employees to practice what to say and the best way to approach Japanese business situations and business culture. Participants also get a chance to share useful Japanese words they have learned in the field, including terms unique to the Japanese IT industry (like kitting: device setup).

3. In Closing

ISF NET is constantly working to improve its support for foreign employees. More events are being planned. If you’re interested in working in Japan as an IT engineer, check out our recruitment page!

Related links
Are you an engineer? ISF NET is hiring!

We’re on YouTube!

Disclaimer: Information provided in this article is accurate at time of publication.